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Herbal Notebook

Your Need For Understanding The Herbs We Use

Getting to know the elements that we craft together with the herbs that we use is a great starting point for you to get started on your herbal journey. We have crafted an herbal cliff notes type page to help you do just that. 
We want to tell you about the different plants and powders that we use in order to help alieve what ever is ailing you and as a result, hellps your shopping experience easier.

Feel free to educate yourself.


black girls do tea herbal blend

Herbs A to Z


Aloe Vera - optimize digestion, help to regulate blood sugar, relieve inflammation, and boost the immune system


Angelica Root- kill cancer cells and fungus, reduce anxiety, and settle the stomach


Anise- anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and may fight stomach ulcers, keep blood sugar levels in check and reduce symptoms of depression and menopause


Astragalus Root Powder- immune support, lymphatic system, asthma 


Baobab Fruit Powder- weight loss, blood sugar levels, inflammation


Barberry Root Bark- infections, Gl tract, heart health, diabetes, liver, gallbladder, metabolic syndrome

Bayberry Root- head colds, nausea & diarrhea, induce vomiting, fevers, heats up the body 

Basil Leaf- digestion, anti-inflammatory, depression, diabetes 

Bay Leaves- heart health, anti-cancer, anxiety, stress 

Beet Root - blood circulation, blood pressure, brain health 

Bilberry Leaf- diarrhea, vision health, varicose veins, diabetes.

Bitter Melon- diabetes, antiviral, immune support 

Black Cohosh Root- hot flashes, sleep, uterine fibroids, anxiety

Black Maca Powder- female and male libido, men fertility, energy 

Black Peppercorns - cholesterol health, gut health, appetite suppressant 

Black Seed- anti-cancer, candida infections, colon health 

Black Walnut Hull Powder-expels parasites, heart health, anti-cancer 

Bladder Wrack- hormonal & metabolic, weight loss, vision health, inflammation, digestion, & anti-cancer

Blessed Thistle- lactation, digestion, coughs, skin infections & diuretic, lactation, digestion, skin infections & diuretic 

Blood Root Powder- tooth pain, laryngitis, pharyngitis, nasal polyps 

Blue Vervain- detox, nervous system, depression, anti-inflammatory, mood swings, lactation, gout, héadaches

Bromelain- arthritis, asthma, chronic sinusitis, colitis, burns

Buckthorn Bark- constipation, colon health 

Bungleweed- hyperthyroidism, premenstrual syndrome, breast pain, nervousness 

Burdock Leaf- kills germs, fevers, gout, bladder infections, syphilis

Burdock Root- mineral rich, tonsillitis. Butcher's Broom Powder- hemorrhoids, gallstones, blood circulation, Blood purifier, natural diuretic, skin health . 


Butterfly Pea flower- brain food- memory- Improve eyesight, Improve hair growth, reduce greying of hair, stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis, Aphrodisiac:  particularly for women and used to treat menstruation problems or white vaginal discharge, Antioxidant, boost brain function, lowers blood pressure.
Analgesic: Clitoria Ternatea has been used traditionally as a local anaesthetic as it has been shown to help relieve pain and swelling. calming effect on the body, reducing stress and anxiety
Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Asthmatic, common cold, cough & asthma as it acts as an expectorant and reduces the irritation of respiratory organs. Anti-anxiety and depression, inhibit glucose intake from the diet. useful in treating epilepsy. help reduce fever by dilating the blood vessels right beneath the skin, whereby air can cool the blood easier.

Cat's Claw Bark Powder- arthritis, Crohn's 

Catnip- stress, sleep aid, menstrual cramps, headaches, calming indigestion relieves gas, and can help with constipation and bloating. The anti-inflammatory properties of catnip calm inflammation in the digestive system and help with pain. improve relaxation , which may boost mood and reduce anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness.


Calendula Flower- muscle spasms, ulcers, prevent infection and heal injuries to body tissues. Calendula is also known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components, which might help to fight cancer, protect against heart disease, and ease muscle fatigue

in skincare- ideal for sensitive, oily, and acne-prone skin. anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, banish dark spots, blemishes, acne, and acne scars


Carob Powder- weight loss, reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, and lower cholesterol levels, digestion problems including diarrhea, heartburn, and the intestine's inability to properly absorb certain nutrients from food


Caraway Seeds- heartburn, bloating, gas, loss of appetite 

Cascara Sagrada - constipation, anti-parasitic, detox 

Cayenne - helps stimulate secretions and protects mucus membranes from upper and lower respiratory tract. for blood pressure, ingesting cayenne pepper increases circulation, improves blood vessel strength and reduces plaque buildup in your arteries pain relief, heart health


Chaga Mushroom- energy, cholesterol health 

Chickweed- constipation, blood disorders, lung health, psoriasis, itching, muscle & joint pain.


Chicory Root- replace coffee, anti-inflammatory, digestive aid 


Chlorella Powder-reduce your risk of diabetes, cognitive disease, heart problems, and cancer, anti-cancer, Vitamin A, B2, B3, Magnesium, Zinc 


Chrysanthemum Flower- fever, cold, headache, dizziness, and swelling


Cleavers- relieves swollen glands, urinary health, burns, skin irritation 


Clove- Cloves are a pungent spice that are often featured in spiced tea blends like herbal and caffeinated versions of chai. Cloves have been shown to reduce headache pain and have an analgesic effect. Cloves also have antiviral and antimicrobial properties that can help to protect you against illness. kills bacteria, improve liver health, promote bone health


Coconut Shredded- dietary fiber, iron, zinc


Colcomecca- antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial 


Cornsilk- bladder infections, inflammation of the urinary system, inflammation of the prostate, kidney stones, and bedwetting


Coriander- regulate your blood glucose level and also to aid weight loss,  fight infections, promote heart brain skin and digestive health lowering blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol 


Cinnamon- reduced inflammation and blood sugar levels, improved heart health, and perhaps even weight loss, bacterial and fungal infections.  reduce menstrual bleeding, vomiting frequency, and nausea severity during women's periods ALSO beneficial in enhancing fertility and insulin sensitivity, and regulate menstruation in women with PCOS


Celery Seed- blood pressure, diuretic, infections.

Chamomile - anxiety, sleep aid, depression, skin health, digestive health, anti-inflammatory  same benefits as taking an aspirin or ibuprofen. Reducing inflammation. Treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar. Reducing menstrual pain. reduce stress, balance hormones, improve fertility. helps PCOS


Chaparral Leaf- bronchitis, rheumatic pain, stomach pain, snake bite pain, bowel cramps, gas, colds, chronic skin disorders

Chervil- gout, pockets of infection (abscesses), and eczema.

Chia Seeds- high in fiber, weight loss, Omega-3 fatty acids

Cramp Bark- muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, urinary pain or spasms 

Curry Powder- anti-cancer, bone health 

Cumin Seeds- digestive aid, iron, prevent food borne illness

Custard Apple Powder- fight free radicals, skin & hair health.


Damiana Leaf- Aphrodisiac, Headaches, Weight Loss, Depression, energy, women's health, constipation

Dandelion leaf-constipation, blood pressure, liver health 

Dandelion Root- blood pressure, eczema, psoriasis, anti-cancer,digestive aid, skin health


Devil's Claw- gout, arthritis, digestive health, anti-inflammatory

Diatomaceous Earth- bone, skin, & hair health 

Dong Quai Root -blood detox, hypertension, anemia, allergies, Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), infertility  
Echinacea Purpurea Root- Fights infections and anxiety 

Echinacea Purpurea Powder- acid indigestion, immune system


Egyptian Basil- energy, women's health, heart health 

Elderberry- immune system, allergies, bladder infections 

Elderberry powder- heart health, digestive aid, immune system

Eleuthero Root- stress, energy and anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer .

Eleuthero Root powder- anti-inflammatory, energy, bone health

Epazote- parasites detox, intestinal cramps, and ulcers 

Eucalyptus Leaf- influenza, bacterial bronchitis 

Eyebright- eye health, conjunctivitis and blepharitis 


Fennel Seeds- skin health, diuretic, blood detox, menstrual cramps, blood sugar levels, anti-inflammatory, male libido, lactation, cholesterol health, digestive aid 

Feverfew- mûscle spasms, anti-inflammatory, brain health, anti-cancer 

Frankincense- oral health, gut health, joint health, gut health, oral health, anti-inflammatory


Garcinia Cambogia- appetite suppressant, blood sugar 

Garlic- Anti-bacterial, liver & gallbladder health 

Gentian Root- menstruation aid, digestive & colon health 

Ginger Root- nausea, circulation, anti-inflammatory, fungal infections, stomach ulcers, digestive aid

Ginkgo Leaf- brain health, circulation, anti-stroke 

Ginseng (American) - energy, stress, male libido, diabetes

Ginseng (Chinese)- anti-inflammatory, brain health, immune


Goji Berries- energy, immune system, skin & liver health 

Goldenseal Root Powder- bacterial, fungal and protozoan


Gotu Kola- brain health, improve blood circulation in lower limbs, memory booster, repairs skin, depression, anxiety

Green Tea- boosts metabolism, detox, improves focus

Guarana Seeds- energy, weight loss, heart & skin health 

Horsetail- diuretic, bone health, weight loss, purifier Hyssop- ulcers, asthma, sedative, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory 

Hyssop Powder- ulcers, asthma, sedative, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory 

Horny Goat Weed- heart disease, fatigue, liver health, male libido, fever 


Jasmine Flower- hepatitis, abdominal pain, relaxation, fertility  (laxative)

Juniper Berry- wounds, joint and muscle pain, kidney & bladder, upset stomach, heartburn, bloating


Kava Kava Root- anxiety, stress, insomnia, PMS

Kelp- anti-cancer, weight management, blood sugar, diabetes, thyroid function, heart health 


Guarana Seed Powder- pain relief, chronic diarrhea, constipation
Guar Gum- laxative, helps with obesity, diabetes, reduces cholesterol 


Guinea Hen Weed- anti-cancer, fevers, immune support, lung health, pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, digestive health 


Gymnema Sylvestre- heart disease, reduce sugar cravings 


Hawthorn Berry - blood pressure, anxiety, cholesterol health, digestive aid, anti-inflammatory

Hawthorn Leaf and Flower- hair loss, heart health, anxiety

Hemp Seeds- sleep aid, energy, heart health, skin disorders

Hibiscus Flower- hypertension, liver health, skin health, menstrual cramps, depression, blood sugar 

Holy Basil- tackles stress, anxiety, depression, and inflammation 
Hops- stress, anxiety, weight gain, blood sugar, cholesterol
Horehound- indigestion, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation


Lavender Flower- Lavender is a soothing medicinal herb that has been used in herbal medicine to treat a wide variety of illnesses, from headaches to anxiety and depression. lavender aromatherapy can help to treat migraine headaches and reduce headache severity. calming, relieves stress, lifts mood, promotes a state of ease. relaxation, sleep aid, hair growth, asthma

L-Arginine HCL- build muscle, repair wounds, male fertility

Lemon Balm- digestion aid, sleep aid, muscle relaxer 

Lemongrass- anxiety, pain, lowers cholesterol, prevents infection 

Licorice Root- energy, skin discoloration, anti-cancer, tuberculosis, infertility, lupus, malaria, arthritis 


Lily of the Valley- heart health, kidney stones, edema, eye infections 

Linden Flower - induces sweating, nasal congestion, skin irritation 

Lobelia- asthma, apnea, bronchitis, whooping cough 

Longjack- increases libido, energy, endurance, athletic performance 

Lungwort Lichen- diuretic, tuberculosis, kidney & urinary health


Mango Leaves- diabetes, blood pressure, earaches, kidney stones 

Marshmallow root- colds, digestive health 

Marshmallow root powder- bacterial infections, diuretic, softens skin 

Milk Thistle Seeds- liver health, weight loss, cholesterol health, anti-cancer, bone health, skin health 

Mistletoe Leaf- anxiety, stress, insomnia, heart health

Netherwort- heart health, menstruation, gas, hyperthyroidism

Moringa Leaf Powder- anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, mood disorders 

Mugwort- energy, stomach and intestinal conditions, and cramps 

Mullein Leaf- colds, pneumonia, migraines, asthma, colic 

Muria Puama - sexual function, menstrual health, is used for sexual disorders, increasing sexual desire in healthy people, menstrual disorders, joint pain, 


Myrrh- detox parasites, oral & skin health, pain & swelling 


Nopal Cactus Powder- protects nerve cells, prostate health, cholesterol 

Neem Leaf Powder- vision health, heart disease, gum disease

Nettle Leaf - hay fever, blood sugar, prostate health, UTI's, arthritis, anti-inflammatory painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia

Nutmeg- detox, insomnia, blood circulation, combating hair loss, but it also helps in hair regrowth


Oat Straw- brain health, heart health, anxiety, energy, strengthens bones, soothes the nervous system, stabilizes blood sugar, relieves depression by nourishing your pancreas, liver and adrenals and keeps your teeth strong. This herb is rich in calcium


Okra- lower heart disease risk, anticancer, lower blood sugar, rich in soluble fiber, which helps in reducing cholesterol


Olive Leaf- treat infections, inflammation, diabetes, and hypertension, weight loss, type 2 diabetes, immunity, heart health, anti-inflammatory, fights yeast infections and viral infections, such as herpes.

In skincare, can slow the appearance of aging, purify and nourish the skin by calming irritation and reducing redness, as well as repairing damage, hydrating, enhancing circulation and stimulative growth of new cells.


Onion- heart health, cancer fighting components, antibacterial, digestive health 

Oregano- lower cholesterol, antioxidant, gut health, anti-inflammatory 


Peony Root-gout, osteoarthritis, fever, respiratory tract, illnesses, cough 

Parsley- improve blood sugar, heart health, kidney health, boost immunity 

Passion flower- anxiety, depression, insomnia, blood pressure, anti-inflammatory 

Pau D'Arco- anemia, bladder, prostate health, STD's, colds, diabetes, diarrhea, fibromyalgia, yeast infections 

Peppermint Leaf- liver health, bad breath, energy, sleep aid, respiratory health, anti-bacterial

Plantain Powder- wounds, skin irritation, digestive health 

Psyllium husks powder- weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, blood sugar 

Poke Root- lymphatic system, immune system, fights infections

Prickly Ash Bark- circulation, abdominal pain, arthritis 


Quassia Bark- measles, diarrhea, fever, lice 

Quinoa- fiber, iron, weight gain 


Raspberry Leaf- skin health, menstrual cramps, women health, lactation, anti-cancer 

Rhodiola Rosea- energy, depression, brain health, anti-cancer

Reishi Mushroom- immune system, reduce stress, energy 

Red Clover Powder- indigestion, high cholesterol, asthma, bronchitis, hair loss, anti-cancer, uterus health 


Reishi Mushroom- immune system, stress reducer, energy

Rosemary- immune system, circulation, hair growth, memory, muscle pain, anti-inflammatory, brain, memory 

Rosehips- immune system, anti-cancer, digestion aid, diabetes arthritis

Rhubarb Root- canker sores, cold sores, menopause, anti-inflammatory


Sage- cleansing negative energy, generates clarity, promotes healing 

Sage Powder- digestive aid, stomach pain, and bloating 

Sarsaparilla Root powder- diuretic, anti-inflammatory joint pain, psoriasis, arthritis, leprosy, syphilis, flu 

Sassafras- urinary tract health, immune system, circulation


Saw palmetto powder- testosterone levels, prostate health, hair loss 

Schisandra powder- enhancing physical performance, promoting endurance

Sea Moss Whole Leaf- 89 minerals: zinc, iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, 
anti-viral, anemia, sulfur, silicon,iron, thyroid health, anemia, B-complex vitamins, sodium

Senna Leaf Powder- constipation, hemorrhoids, weight loss

Sea Salt- potassium, iron, calcium, digestion 

Sheep Sorrel- anti-inflammatory, cancer, diarrhea 

Shepherds Purse- heart health, blood pressure, bladder health

Skullcap- insomnia, fever, rabies, epilepsy, anxiety, paralysis

Slippery Elm Bark- digestive Aid, Ant-Inflammatory, Wound treatments, upset stomach 

Smoked Sea Salt- potassium, iron, calcium, digestion, helps with nerve impulses 

Stevia- weight loss, cholesterol health and diabetes 

Sour Sop Leaves- anti-cancer, diabetes, immune system

Spirulina- immune system, anti-inflammatory, Cholesterol health 

St. John's Wort- depression, wound healing, menopause, and anxiety

Stinging Nettle Root- osteoarthritis, hay fever, bleeding, diabetes, inflammation of gums combating hair loss, but it also helps in hair regrowth


Tansy- joint pain, relaxation, fluid retention, and infections 

Tansy Powder- migraines, epilepsy, parasites and kidney problems

Tarragon- improve sleep patterns, increase appetite, help relieve pain, decrease blood sugar

Tribulus Terrestris- athletic performance, body building, sexual health 

Tongkat Ali Root- raise testosterone levels, promote muscle-strength, fatigue 

Tumeric- hay fever, Alzheimer disease, skin damage, stomach ulcers 

Usnea Lichen~HPV, fever, anti-inflammatory, weight loss


Uva Ursi-kidney, bladder and urethra health 

Ursi Powder-kidney infections, constipation, and bronchitis


We will continue to update our page to bring you information

sometimes we are able to customize your #BGDT experience but right now until we can get more herbs in and come up with delicious blends to warm and heal your body we are placing that on the wait list. you can always send us a note or ask us questions VIA instagram @blackgirlsdotea or contact us at so that we can answer and keep you in mind. 



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